Tuesday 11 November 2014

70-20-10 and Jennings... Donald Clark... Spaced practice and Ebbinghaus

... Blimey.. I've come back to this blog - Ill have to change the title...as it was predominantly about Games Based Learning...

Now I have other fish to fry... I am still very interested in engagement as I cant believe that any kind of learning activity works unless the dissemination is in "attract mode" but 702010 strikes me as being a bit after the event? as surely (am I being naïve here) if we liberally sprinkle bits of good quality 10 amongst the 70 and the 20, then the need for 10 becomes less critical?

Especially as its creator Charles Jennings has suggested that dinning in learning activities can be unsuccessful in terms of absorbing cognisance. As we are all aware without reinforcement and review the value is limited. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOfttrAwPiM

Donald Clark is a fan of Ebbinghaus  and his forgetting curve and his solution of Spaced Practise.. but surely the latter is like my geometry lessons with Euclid and his riders? learn the facts in small lumps, repeat, reflect, use, and correct errors...  http://donaldclarkplanb.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/spaced-practice-8-practical-ways-to.html

Now for more practical aspirations...I have to combine my thoughts as to how I can improve the dissemination process with some VILTs...